

Stone Age

Characterized by the use of stone tools, the Stone Age is the earliest known period of human culture. During this age, people first made implements and weapons of stone. The Stone Age is the most ancient of the three subdivisions of the ancient past in the three-age system.

500 Questions

What age is YL?

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The abbreviation "YL" can refer to different things, so I can't provide a specific age. Can you please provide more context or specify what you mean by "YL"?

What happened to Henry Stone of kstu?

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There is limited information available about Henry Stone of KSTU. If you are referring to a specific incident or event, please provide more context so I can offer a more accurate response.

How many types of caveman lived or live?

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There were several human species classified as "cavemen" that lived in prehistoric times, such as Neanderthals, Homo erectus, and Denisovans. However, all of these species are now extinct, and modern humans (Homo sapiens) are the only surviving species of the genus Homo.

Descible how people of the old stone age survived?

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The people survived the Stonge age by making fired to keep warm wearing warm clothes also had food just in case.

What is an Aurignacian?

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Asked by Bobo192

The Aurignacian is an archaeological culture that emerged in Europe around 40,000 to 36,000 years ago. It is known for its advanced stone tool technology, including the production of blade-like tools. It is also associated with the earliest known examples of symbolic art and personal ornaments, such as cave paintings and jewelry.

How did tools improve in the stone age?

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Tools in the Stone Age improved through the development of new techniques for shaping and refining stone. Early Stone Age tools were crude and basic, but later advancements allowed for the creation of more specialized tools such as arrowheads, scrapers, and hand axes. This improvement in tool technology enabled early humans to better adapt to their environment, hunt more efficiently, and create more complex structures.

How did specialization help people in the neolithic age develop new sources of clothing?

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Specialization in the Neolithic age allowed people to focus on specific tasks like farming, animal domestication, or textile production. This division of labor enabled individuals to develop new sources of clothing. Agriculture provided the raw materials such as cotton, flax, or wool, while dedicated textile producers could refine and weave these materials into clothing, leading to the emergence of a diverse range of garments and improved clothing technologies.

In what regions of the world were pre-neolithic societies located?

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Pre-Neolithic societies were located in various regions around the world, including the Middle East (such as Mesopotamia and the Levant), South Asia (Indus Valley Civilization), East Asia (Yangshao and Hongshan cultures), Central America (Mesoamerican cultures), and parts of Africa (such as the Nile Valley civilization). These societies existed prior to the development of agriculture and permanent settlements, relying primarily on hunting, gathering, and fishing for sustenance.

How did people in the stone age travel?

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People in the Stone Age primarily traveled by walking. They would often follow animal migration patterns, travel along rivers, or use natural landmarks as navigation guides. Some evidence suggests that early humans may have also used boats or rafts to travel across bodies of water.

Where did the Stone Age people first live?

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Stone Age people first lived in various regions across the world, depending on the specific period of the Stone Age. Some early Stone Age sites have been found in Africa, such as the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. However, Stone Age people also lived in other parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

Did the Neolithic people use mortars and pestles?

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Yes, Neolithic people did use mortars and pestles. These tools were commonly used for grinding and crushing grains, seeds, and other food items. Mortars and pestles were typically made of stone and were important for preparing food and processing materials during this period.

What society began around 10000bc with primitive tools?

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The society that began around 10000 BC with primitive tools is often referred to as the Neolithic society. During this time, humans transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities, practicing agriculture and domesticating animals. This marked a significant shift in human history and laid the foundation for more complex societies to develop in the future.

What was stone age's language?

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The Stone Age refers to a long period of time spanning millions of years, and during this time, languages would have varied among different groups of people. Without written records, it is difficult to know the specific languages spoken during the Stone Age, but it is believed that early human ancestors would have communicated through a combination of gestures, signs, and vocal sounds.

Was it a great deal of progress during the Old Stone Age?

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Yes, there was a significant amount of progress during the Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic Era. Humans during this time developed tools and weapons made from stone, mastered fire and used it for various purposes, created art and symbolic forms of expression, and began to develop social structures and cooperative hunting strategies. These advancements laid the foundation for future developments in technology and culture.

What discovery marked the beginning of Neolithic age?

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The discovery of agriculture marked the beginning of the Neolithic Age. This included the cultivation of crops, such as wheat and barley, and the domestication of animals, such as sheep and goats. This shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities occurred around 10,000 BCE.

What contributed most to the development of farming during the stone age?

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The development of farming during the Stone Age was influenced by several key factors. One major contribution was the discovery and domestication of wild plants and animals, which allowed for a more stable and reliable food source. Additionally, the development of tools and technologies, such as the use of stone tools for cultivating and harvesting crops, played a crucial role in enabling the transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to an agricultural one. Lastly, the development of social structures and the ability to share knowledge and skills within communities also contributed to the advancement of farming during this period.

How would you describe Stone Age culture?

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Stone Age culture is characterized by a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, where people relied on hunting, fishing, and foraging for their subsistence. They lived in small, mobile groups and built simple shelters using natural materials. Stone tools and weapons were prevalent, indicating a lack of metal-working technology. Overall, Stone Age culture represents the earliest known human societies and their adaptation to the natural environment.

The people of the Stone Age cleared land for farming by using?

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methods such as slash-and-burn agriculture. They would cut down trees and then burn the vegetation to clear the land. They would then plant crops in the ash-enriched soil.

Why did people chose to live together in Neolithic settlements?

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People chose to live together in Neolithic settlements for several reasons. One major reason was for safety and security from external threats. Living together in close proximity allowed for communal defense against predators and rival groups. Additionally, living together facilitated the sharing of resources and knowledge, which was essential for survival and the development of early agricultural practices.

What major change took place during the Neolithic age?

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One major change that took place during the Neolithic Age was the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled, agricultural lifestyle. This led to the development of agriculture, domestication of plants and animals, and the establishment of permanent settlements. This shift allowed for a more stable food supply and led to the development of complex societies and the rise of civilizations.

How did the Neolithic people communicate?

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Neolithic people communicated through various means such as spoken language, gestures, and symbols. They likely developed a simple form of spoken language to convey their thoughts and ideas. They also used non-verbal forms of communication like body language and hand gestures. Additionally, they may have used symbols, such as cave paintings or engraved symbols on objects, to communicate visually.

What are the Important stone age achievements?

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Important Stone Age achievements include the development of tools and weapons made from stone, the mastery of fire for cooking and warmth, the invention of language and communication, and the creation of cave paintings and other forms of art. These achievements were critical for survival and laid the foundation for future advancements in technology and culture.

How would you describe the stone age?

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The Stone Age was a prehistoric period characterized by the use of stone tools, hence its name. It is divided into three main periods: the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic. During this time, early humans were hunter-gatherers, relying on hunting animals and gathering plants for survival. They also began to develop more complex social structures and technologies, paving the way for later advancements in human civilization.

What were the effects of the neolithic revolution?

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• New gaps between social classes- Poverty

• Disease

• invasions/fights for resources

(more security is needed)

What did people do in the new stone age?

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In the New Stone Age, also known as the Neolithic period, people shifted from being hunter-gatherers to practicing agriculture and domesticating animals. They began to settle in permanent villages, built more complex structures such as houses and temples, and developed tools and techniques for farming, weaving, pottery, and making tools with polished stones. Trade and social organization also grew during this period.